Recent Insights

  • Islamic Investing 2.0: The Way Forward
    December 17, 2020

    Traditional Islamic-compliant mutual funds have served Muslim investors well in the four decades since the first was launched in Malaysia. By fostering partnership in shared risk and reward (musharaka), and by allowing investors to diversify their assets while avoiding haram activities — typically alcohol, tobacco, gaming, financial services, pork processing, and pornography.

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  • Beyond Bonds: Are Gulf-Region Sukuk the Ultimate Asset Allocation Tools?
    July 23, 2020

    This primer provides an overview of the investment landscape and characteristics of sharia-compliant investment certificates, referred to as sukuk, as a market niche that continues to evolve.  We cover the risk and return attributes of sukuk and explore their relationship to changes in the price of oil; an important point to consider since hydrocarbons largely drive sukuk issuers’ economies. 

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  • FRAUD ALERT: Whatsapp Scam Using Saturna's Name
    July 15, 2020

    FRAUD ALERT: Whatsapp Scam Using Saturna's Name

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  • GCC Sukuk: A Primer
    June 30, 2020

    This primer provides an overview of the investment landscape and characteristics of sharia-compliant investment certificates, referred to as sukuk, as a market niche that continues to evolve.  We cover the risk and return attributes of sukuk and explore their relationship to changes in the price of oil; an important point to consider since hydrocarbons largely drive sukuk issuers’ economies. 

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  • Feeding 10 Billion People in a Climate-Changing World
    May 21, 2020

    By 2050, nearly 10 billion people will live on our planet. In order to sustain this population and our growing demand for resource-intensive animal-based foods, the World Resources Institute estimates that crop production will need to increase by 56% from a 2010 baseline.

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