What is a Unit Trust Fund within a Malaysian context?
A unit trust fund is a pool of money managed collectively by professional fund managers like Saturna Sdn Bhd.
The SC or Securities Commission of Malaysia regulates unit trust funds domiciled in Malaysia, among other investment securities. It is mandated to protect the individual investor in various ways. For further information, please visit the SC's page on Collective Investment Schemes.
When you invest in Unit Trust Funds, your money will be pooled with other investors according to the unit trust’s objectives defined and documented in its prospectus.
Benefits of Unit Trust:
- Diversifies your investment to optimize risk
- Provides exposure to multiple markets and currencies
Benefits of investing in Saturna Unit Trust Funds:
- Low initial investment from RM2,000.
- No sales charges
- No redemption charges
- No minimum holding period
- DUITNOW online payment facilities
- Online portal to monitor your investments, reports, trade confirmations
Hows does it work?
In many ways, unit trust funds are like mutual funds. Our parent company, Saturna Capital, put together the below videos about how mutual funds work. While many of the concepts in the videos are common to the two types of funds, there are differences. Please consult the prospectus of any unit trust fund before investing.
Part 1: Structure
In some ways, a mutual fund is very similar to a company that manufactures widgets except that a mutual fund company's "widgets" are shares. To create the shares...
Part 2: Buying Shares
When you invest in a mutual fund, you become a shareowner. Whether you purchase directly, through a dealer, your financial adviser, or your 401(k) at work...
Part 3: I'm a Shareowner, Now What?
As a shareowner you receive account statements, at least quarterly, and financial reports of the fund's operations, as required by regulation.
Part 4: Regulations and Oversight
As a mutual fund investor, there are regulations to protect you and many organizations looking out for your best interest. The fund's board is your first...
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about mutual funds, and Happy Shareowning!
This video is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security.
Investing in mutual funds and unit investment trusts involves risks, including the risk that you could lose money.